This #RareAware Advocate Toolkit was created to provide actionable ways to engage during Rare Liver Diseases Month and to encourage advocates to be #RareAware throughout the year.

Share Your Story

Use your story as a positive force. Share your experience with rare liver disease with our communications team for the opportunity to be featured in our newsletters, on our website, and more.

Be #RareAware on Social Media

Follow GLI and #RareAware

Follow GLI on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Use the hashtag #RareAware to keep up with liver advocacy and education throughout the month. 

Use Our Sample Tweets

  • February is Rare Liver Diseases Month. Use the hashtag #RareAware to spread awareness of rare liver diseases. Learn more here: (link to website).

  • I am #RareAware because [connection to rare liver diseases] @globalliver

  • There are over 100 rare liver diseases, but many of them are unknown. #RareAware

  • A #rareliverdisease is a #liver disease that affects a small portion of the population. #RareAware

  • Rare diseases affect over 300 million people worldwide. #RareAware

  • Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare type of cancer that forms in the bile ducts. People with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), another #rareliverdisease, are at risk for developing cholangiocarcinoma. #RareAware

Share #RareAware Images

Share these images on your social media accounts! Click on the image you would like to share and then right click (or long tap on mobile) to save it.

Show your Support

Right click on the image to save it. Add your organization logo, post it on social and don’t forget to use #RareAware and tag us!


Post a Selfie

Download one of GLI’s “I am #RareAware” signs and post a picture of yourself with it; or get creative and make your own sign to use in a selfie! Tag us on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) and use the hashtag #RareAware.

Print, snap a photo, tag, and post!
I am #RareAware [PDF]


Print and fill in the blank space with a short statement about what makes you rare! Then, snap a photo, tag, and post!
I am #RareAware because… [PDF]

Become a Liver Health Advocate

Register for GLI’s Advanced Advocacy Academy (A3)

GLI’s Advanced Advocacy Academy (A3), a training program held annually in September, connects liver patients, caregivers, and family members with the information, skills, and opportunities that they need to effectively advocate for liver health across the health ecosystem.

Tune in to GLI LIVE

Launched as part of our COVID-19 response, GLI’s President & CEO, Donna Cryer, converses weekly with guests on GLI LIVE on Wednesdays at noon ET. Throughout the month of February, GLI Live episodes will highlight rare liver diseases.

Create a Fundraiser

Create a fundraiser on Facebook or another fundraising platform for your favorite rare liver disease non-profit organization. Learn more about giving to GLI here.