We have united to change the culture and stigma surrounding liver disease and create positive messaging through art and expression.

The Creative Collaborative aligns the creative community (actors, artists, musicians, authors, scriptwriters, documentary filmmakers, social media and broadcast executives) with medical, scientific and patient communities to improve the lives of those touched by liver disease.

Past Exhibits

Exhibits showing the creative collaborative for liver health artwork were displayed at booths at the following conferences

June 2017

World Conference on Interventional Oncology (WCIO)
Boston, MA

March 2017

National Comprehensive Cancer Network Annual Conference (NCCN)
Orlando, FL

March 2017

Society of Interventional Radiology Conference (SIR)
Washington, DC

We give great thanks to all of the artists who contributed their time and talent, the Society for Interventional Radiology, Society for Interventional Radiology Foundation @SIRspecialists and BTG Interventional Medicine @BTG