Ask Congress to Support the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (H.R. 1577 and S. 596)

What is the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA)?

  • TROA would expand Medicare coverage to include screening and treatment of obesity from a diverse range of healthcare providers who specialize in obesity care.

Who is TROA important for?

  • Obesity is linked with a variety of chronic liver diseases. 

  • 37% of people with obesity also have Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) 

Why do we need TROA?

  • Weight loss is extremely difficult to accomplish and maintain

  • 85% of people with NASH could not achieve the needed consistent weight loss of 7-10%

  • People with NASH that did have success utilized intensive behavioral therapy (IBT) or weight loss medications, which are many times not covered by insurers

How will TROA address this issue?

  • TROA will expand Medicare benefits for intensive behavioral counseling through community-based programs and additional types of healthcare providers

  • It will also expand coverage of FDA-approved prescription drugs for chronic weight management.

Don’t miss this opportunity to show the groundswell of support for TROA across the country, and urge your legislators to take action. 

Use our easy automated message generator to get started. Legislators also want to hear directly from their constituents, so we strongly encourage you to add your personal story to help them better understand the need for greater access to critical obesity treatment tools.